Couture Creations Craft is the No. 1 Wholesale supplier to Craft, Scrapbooking, Papercraft and mixed media retailers around Australia and New Zealand

Couture CreationsCouture Creations is an internationally renowned craft brand with hundreds of quality products and innovations including the popular GoCut and Emboss and GoPress and Foil machines. Couture Creations is also proud to have partnered with revolutionary international brands like Anna Griffin and Tina Higgins in 2017 to create stunning new scrapbooking and cardmaking designs and products that will truly amaze your friends and family!

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  • CC Gemstones 2mm Adhesive- Crystal 424pce Adhesive Gemstones - Crystal (424pc - 2mm)
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  • CC Multi-Purpose Heat & Emboss Tool

    Couture Creations Multi-purpose Heat & Embossing Tool is a powerful device for heating a plethora of craft and embossing projects requiring heat, like... Curing embossing powder on paper mache, timber,...
  • CC Paper Trimmer

    The Couture Creations trimmer allows you to easily cut through paper & cardstock neatly and with a clean cut. Couture Creations Paper Trimmer is a compact sliding cutter that features...
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