Couture Creations Craft is the No. 1 Wholesale supplier to Craft, Scrapbooking, Papercraft and mixed media retailers around Australia and New Zealand

Mini Guillotine Trimmer (cuts 215mm)

Couture Creations Crafts Mini Guillotine Trimmer is the perfect accessory for creatives on the go and ideal for crafters with limited space to create. Measurements in millimetres and inches. The lightweight...
Product Code: CO726343
Couture Creations

Couture Creations Crafts Mini Guillotine Trimmer is the perfect accessory for creatives on the go and ideal for crafters with limited space to create. Measurements in millimetres and inches.

The lightweight & portable guillotine also features a self sharpening blade for a longer life and low maintenance.

- Lightweight & portable
- Hang hole for easy storage and access
- Grid guide for easy placement of your paper or cardstock
- 8.5 inch / 215mm cut length
- Cuts up to 7 sheets of 80gsm at once

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