Couture Creations Craft is the No. 1 Wholesale supplier to Craft, Scrapbooking, Papercraft and mixed media retailers around Australia and New Zealand

Plastic Drawers (16 compartments) 22.4cm x 14.3cm x 8.7cm

224 X 143 X 87MM | 8.8 X 5.6 X 3.4IN Each drawer is approximately 50 x 30 x 65mm, perfect for holding your embellishments and trinkets - keeping them...
Product Code: CO728459
Couture Creations

224 X 143 X 87MM | 8.8 X 5.6 X 3.4IN

Each drawer is approximately 50 x 30 x 65mm, perfect for holding your embellishments and trinkets - keeping them safe, easily identifiable and accessible!

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